Stage 5 and 6 Number Knowledge Follow Ups
This is a continuation of my stage 5 and 6 maths packs, with more activities and practice elements for number knowledge.
Print These out as follow up sheets, export to see to use as online versions or laminate as wipe sheets for multiple practice!
This resource includes:stage 5:numbers to 1000ordering numbers
continue counting in 1's, 10's 100's
numbers more and less
how many tens? how many groupings of 2? how many groupings of 5? centuries
skip counting in 3's (forwards and backwards)fractions
ordering fractions
stage 6:numbers to 1, 000, 000ordering numbers
continue counting in 1's, 10's 100's
numbers more and less
how many tens? how many groupings of 2? how many groupings of 5? how many groupings of 4? how many tenths? how many hundredths? rounding
ordering fractions
This is a great resource to support stage 5 and 6 learners, or learners needing a little extra support in These areas.
find out more about my stage 5 maths pack here.
find out more about my stage 6 maths pack here.