Stage 1 Warm Up Slides
These stage 1 warm up slides are a great way to practice key stage 1 maths skills and learning intentions.
These slides specifically match the learning intentions within stage 1 for number knowledge and number strategy.
These could be used as whole class warm up slides, small groups, independent practice and more.
These slides come in pre
- filled in version and a blank version for you to use a text box and add in your own information for the learning intention.
These slides are not editable
- the information and questions on the slides are not able to be moved or changed.
stage 1 warm up slides cover:i can read numbers 0
- 10i can count forwards from 0
- 10i can count backwards from 0
- 10i can say the number after between 0
- 10i can say the number between 0
- 10i can say the number before 0
- 10i can order numbers from 0
- 10i know my finger patterns between 1
- 5i know 10s frame patterns from numbers 1
- 5i can count a set up to 10i can make a set up to 10
This resource includes 63 slides in This slide show.
It comes in both powerpoint presentation and pdf files in a zip file.