Plush Doodles Classroom Decor Pack
Plush Doodles Classroom Decor Pack
This resource is a plush doodle classroom decor pack for your classroom. With a range of plush doodle colour tones and cute custom drawn decor, it is perfect for your new classroom theme.
The pack is FULL of resources for your classroom set up and great bang for your back!
Included in this resource is:
•Welcome sign
•Welcome year level signs
•Classroom bunting and editable classroom bunting background to type your own
•Folder covers
•Number posters in two variations
•Alphabet posters in two variations
•Months of the year
•Classroom helpers
•Days in school
•Affirmation Station
•Weekly planning sheets
•Teacher slide shows
•Bag tags
•Clock numbers
•Book Box labels
•Large weekly calendar
•Table labels
•Table numbers
•Teacher toolbox labels
•Teacher desk labels
•Trolley Labels
•Student desk name mats
•Large number to 100 chart
•Shape posters
•Learning intentions headers and posters
•Birthday chart posters
•Daily timetable resource
•Affirmation posters
•Border template to make your own classroom border
•Maths learning display
•Times tables numbers
•Amazing WOW work sign
•Group posters
•Assessment Folder
•2, 5 and 10 frames
•Blank calendar templates
•Meet your teacher letter template
•Maths terminology posters
•Classroom signs
•Days in school chart
•Multiples and facts charts
•Our news roster chart
•Skip counting multiples posters
•Sound and letter of the week chart
•Flip calendar template in English and Te Reo Maori
•GEMA anchor chart and posters
•Word wall posters
•Whole body listening wall display
•Classroom organisation resource
This resource includes over 1800 pages and slides to use in your classroom.
This comes as a zip file so ensure you have access to software to be able to extract the resources. The resources are not editable unless written so in the resource header or above.