Phonics and Sounds Exit Slips
These phonics and sounds exit slips are a great snapshot or snippet of student learning.
These could be used as formative assessment, follow ups or just as a quick check to see how they are going.
These align with my phonics and sounds worksheets and big book resources.
It includes:initial sounds a
- zclosed & open syllables
digraphs – sh/ch/wh/th
- ck sound
suffixes –s/
- ing
floss rule
- ll/ss/ff/zz
silent –ec and k soundai vs ay soundph soundou vs ow sound
suffix –edigh soft c and soft gar and or soundy soundee and ea soundoa and ow soundoo soundscr, spr, spl soundoi and oy soundur and ir sounder soundie soundoe soundue soundcontractionssingular and pluralcompound wordshomophonessyllables
print These as they are in a4 (3 to a page) or print 2 pages per page for even smaller exit slips.
These will print with 6 to a page.