Maths Learning Display Pack (plush doodles themed)
This maths learning display pack is a great way to reinforce and add in key maths concepts to your everyday classroom learning. This can be used as a learning display that you use everyday, for a classroom whiteboard display that is interactive or to support your calendar maths concepts.
This also includes the charts in a powerpoint form for you to use digitally by inserting a text box.
Included is:
•Maths wall display bunting
•Large calendar for monthly tracking
•Class calendar for days of the week
•Number of the day chart
•Number sentence chart
•Number story chart
•Number bond chart
•Greater than or less than chart
•Fact Family chart
•Number before/after chart
•More/less chart
•Days in school chart
•2D and 3D shape
•NZ money (coins and notes)
•Numbers to 20 chart
•Numbers to 100 chart
•Number formation chart
There are 93 pages in this resource.
This resource is plush doodles colour themed.