Stage 7 Warm Up Slides

Stage 7 Warm Up Slides

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These stage 7 warm up slides are a great way to practice key stage 7 maths skills and learning intentions.

These slides specifically match the learning intentions within stage 7 for number knowledge and number strategy.

These could be used as whole class warm up slides, small groups, independent practice and more.
These slides come in pre

- filled in version and a blank version for you to use a text box and add in your own information for the learning intention.

These slides are not editable

- the information and questions on the slides are not able to be moved or changed.
stage 7 warm up slides cover:i can solve whether a number is divisible by

- by 2, 3, 5, 9, 10i can ordering fractions
i can identify equivalent fractions
i can convert numbers 

- to fractions

- to decimals

- to percentages
i can order decimals
i can identify numbers before and after 10 more/less, 100 more/less, 1000 more/less, one tenth more/less, one hundredth more/less
i can round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000i can round decimals with up to 2 decimal places to the nearest tenth
i can identify the number of tenths, hundredths and thousandths in decimals
i can write down factors to 100i can solve square numbers and square roots of numbers
i can solve decimal bonds to 1i know groups of numbers to 100 and how many remainders
i can order numbers with negative numbers
i can solve problems using multiplication and division
i can solve multiplication and division problems by using a tidy number to compensate
i can solve multiplication and division problems by using reversibility
i can solve a division problem and show any remainders
i can solve addition or subtraction problems using tidy numbers
i can solve problems using a algorithms
i can solve addition and subtraction problems with integers
i can find a fraction of a set
i can solve place value decimals
i can solve a percentage of a set
i can add and subtract with fractions

This resource includes 171 slides in This slide show.

It comes in both powerpoint presentation and pdf files.

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