Stage 3 Exit Slips
These are a great reflection, formative assessment or follow up exit slip that can support the stage 3 resource pack.
This is aligned to the nz curriculum maths stages, with This one covering stage
- to purchase the stage 3 resource please find it here.
to purchase the stage 1
- 5 bundle resource please find it here.
the stage 3 exit slips have 4 exit slips for each learning intention:
i know the difference between ty and teen numbers
i can skip count forwards in 2’s to 20i can skip count backwards in 2’s to 20i can skip count forwards in 5’s to 20i can skip count backwards in 5’s to 20i know addition and subtraction facts up to 5i know my addition groupings with 5i know all the doubles up to 10i can add two groups up to 20i can take away from a group up to 20i can takeaway groups of 10 in my head
i can add groups of 10 to find the answer
print off These exit slips and have them handy for your students.
- recently updated with new font and 4 per page.
If you have purchased These previously and want the updated version; send info@mrspriestleyict.
Com a message with your order number.