Shapes Pack
This pack is a great introduction for shapes and symmetry in a new zealand classroom.
It has activities for classroom practice or implementation for shapes and symmetry, games and matching activities and matching worksheets.
This pack covers:sort, compare and classify 2d and 3d objects
- shape
- colour
- 2d and 3d shapes
- big/large or small/tinysides on shapescorners on shapes3d netssymmetrycompleting symmetry
games and matching activities include:
- eye spy in the classroom (2d and 3d shapes)
- i have…who has…
- geoboard patterns
- eye spy shapes – what can you see? number talk
- who am i
worksheets include:
- draw the shape
- label the shape
- 2d or 3d shapes
- which shape?
- how many shapes?
- about that shape
- colour the shape
- symmetry or no symmetry
- draw the line of symmetry
- finish the drawing
print This pack off to implement shapes and symmetry.