Basic facts to 20 flash cards pack

Basic facts to 20 flash cards pack

Regular price $10.00
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This basic facts to 20 pack is a great addition to your classroom for practicing basic facts.

This covers initial basic facts concepts for recall practice, building skill and using This to support addition and subtraction.

This resource is flexible to be used with key rings, as flash cards or in smaller containers for each set of basic facts.

This resource covers:addition to 5subtraction from 5addition and subtraction to 10addition with missing numbers to 10addition with missing numbers within 10subtraction with missing numbers from 10subtraction with missing numbers to 10doubles to 20addition and subtraction facts to 20 with 10addition and subtraction facts to 20doubles to 20
each set has a matching answer card and is coded for easy finding and checking for answers.

There is also a recording sheet for students to use or they can use a whiteboard pen to write directly on the cards.
This resource includes 441 basic facts flash cards covering the different skills.

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