Stage 5 Exit Slips
These are a great reflection, formative assessment or follow up exit slip that can support the stage 5 resource pack.
This is aligned to the nz curriculum maths stages, with This one covering stage
- to purchase the stage 5 resource please find it here.
to purchase the stage 1
- 5 bundle resource please find it here.
the stage 5 exit slips have 4 exit slips for each learning intention:
i can read all my numbers 0
- 1000i can order numbers to 1000i can count in 1's, 10's and 100's to 1000i can say the number 1 more/less, 10 more/less, 100 more/less from 1
- 1000i know how many 10s are in a 3 digit number
i know groupings of 2 that are in numbers to 20i know groupings of 5 that are in numbers to 50i know the number of hundreds in centuries and thousands
i can round a 3 digit whole number to the nearest 10 or 100i can skip count up to 100 in 3's (forwards and backwards)i can read fractions 1/2 to 1/10i can order fractions with like denominators
i can use place value to solve my problems (ones, tens and hundreds)i can solve addition or subtraction problems by reversing the sign
i can use compatible numbers to solve the problem
i can solve numbers by using tidy numbers
i can solve problems using a number line
i can solve problems using doubles
print off These exit slips and have them handy for your students.
- recently updated with new font and 4 per page.
If you have purchased These previously and want the updated version; send info@mrspriestleyict.
Com a message with your order number.