Stage 1-3 Maths Mini Book Bundle
This mini maths book is a great way to reinforce, practice and assess stage 1
- 3 maths.
Aligning with my other stage 1
- 3 maths resources; This has the same information and activities
- just a mini book version.
This mini book practices number knowledge and number strategy for stage 1
- 3 of the new zealand curriculum; pink book learning progressions.
This resource can be made into a mini book by printing in a4 size (as is) and cutting in half.
This will produce 2 books
- just staple at the top.
For smaller books, print 2 per page, cut in half and then they will be mini versions.
This resources includes activities targeting:stage 1:i can read numbers 0
- 10i can count forwards from 0
- 10i can count backwards from 0
- 10i can say the number after between 0
- 10i can say the number between 0
- 10i can say the number before 0
- 10i can order numbers from 0
- 10i know my finger patterns between 1
- 5i know 10s frame patterns from numbers 1
- 5i can count a set up to 10i can make a set up to 10i can count objects up to 5
stage 2:i can read numbers 0
- 20i can count forwards from 0
- 20i can count backwards from 0
- 20i can say the number after between 0
- 20i can say the number between 0
- 20i can say the number before 0
- 20i can order numbers from 0
- 20i know my finger patterns between 1
- 10i know 10s frame patterns from numbers 1
- 10i can add two groups of materials together up to 20i can add materials to find the missing number
i can take materials away to find whats left up to 20i can take materials away to find the missing number
i can make groups of ten with materials to 50
stage 3:i know the difference between ty and teen numbers
i can skip count forwards in 2’s to 20i can skip count backwards in 2’s to 20i can skip count forwards in 5’s to 20i can skip count backwards in 5’s to 20i know addition and subtraction facts up to 5i know my addition groupings with 5i know all the doubles up to 10i can add two groups up to 20i can take away from a group up to 20i can takeaway groups of 10 in my head
i can add groups of 10 to find the answer