Stage 1-6 Maths Practice Sheets
These maths practice sheets are a great way to practice and cover a wide range of number knowledge and number strategy concepts for stages 1
- 6 of the new zealand curriculum.
These have between 4
- 8 variations per stage, covering key concepts that students can learn or practice in class.
what is included:stage 1
- x4 practice sheets
stage 2
- x7 practice sheets
stage 3
- x4 practice sheets
stage 4
- x8 practice sheets
stage 5
- x8 practice sheets
stage 6
- x8 practice sheets
each practice sheet has a variety of number knowledge and number strategy concepts on them.
They also have a self
- reflection smile face at the top for reflection upon practice.
Use These as individual practice, end of stage review or as a whole class hot spot!