Code Breaker Sounds
This resource is a great way to reinforce and practice key learning sounds, phonics skills, spelling patterns and structured literacy concepts. These task cards can be made up into a resource pack to assist with your whole class teaching, as a follow up activity, in your tumbles or rotations, or as a hot spot activity to target learning. This can be easily incorporated into your learning time.
This pack includes and targets:
code breaker anchor charts
cvc words
ccvc, cvcc, ccvcc
-ed and -s
tricky words
vowel team
r controlled sounds
CVe words
spelling patterns
tricky words
sound card flash cards
This resource contains 223 pages.
This is a physical resource and will be shipped to you.
Physical resource turn around time is up to 2 weeks for production.
This includes printing + laminating + cutting out.
Shipping costs are added on in the checkout.
If you have any questions please email BEFORE purchasing.